$ xvc file --help
File and directory management commands
Usage: xvc file [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
track Add file and directories to Xvc [aliases: t]
hash Get digest hash of files with the supported algorithms [aliases: h]
recheck Get files from cache by copy or *link [aliases: checkout, r]
carry-in Carry in changed files to cache [aliases: commit, c]
copy Copy from source to another location in the workspace [aliases: C]
move Move files to another location in the workspace [aliases: M]
list List tracked and untracked elements in the workspace [aliases: l]
send Send files to external storages [aliases: s, upload, push]
bring Bring files from external storages [aliases: b, download, pull]
remove Remove files from Xvc cache and storages [aliases: R]
untrack Untrack (delete) files from Xvc and storages [aliases: U]
share Share a file from (S3 compatible) storage for a limited time [aliases: S]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-v, --verbose... Verbosity level. Use multiple times to increase command output detail
--quiet Suppress error messages
-C <WORKDIR> Set the working directory to run the command as if it's in that directory [default: .]
-c, --config <CONFIG> Configuration options set from the command line in the form section.key=value
--no-system-config Ignore system config file
--no-user-config Ignore user config file
--no-project-config Ignore project config (.xvc/config)
--no-local-config Ignore local config (.xvc/config.local)
--no-env-config Ignore configuration options from the environment
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version