xvc storage new digital-ocean


Configure a Digital Ocean Spaces service as an Xvc storage.


$ xvc storage new digital-ocean --help Add a new Digital Ocean storage Reads credentials from `DIGITAL_OCEAN_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `DIGITAL_OCEAN_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environment variables. Alternatively you can use `XVC_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID_<storage_name>` and `XVC_STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_<storage_name>` environment variables if you have multiple storages of this type. Usage: xvc storage new digital-ocean [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --bucket-name <BUCKET_NAME> --region <REGION> Options: -n, --name <NAME> Name of the storage This must be unique among all storages of the project --bucket-name <BUCKET_NAME> Bucket name --region <REGION> Region of the server --storage-prefix <STORAGE_PREFIX> You can set a directory in the bucket with this prefix [default: ] -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Before calling any commands that use this storage, you must set the following environment variables.

  • DIGITAL_OCEAN_ACCESS_KEY_ID or XVC_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID_<storage_name>: The access key of the Digital Ocean account. The second form is used when you have multiple Digital Ocean accounts and you want to use a specific one.
  • DIGITAL_OCEAN_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or XVC_STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_<storage_name>: The secret key of the Digital Ocean account. The second form is used when you have multiple Digital Ocean accounts and you want to use a specific one.

The command works only in Xvc repositories.

$ git init ... $ xvc init $ xvc-test-helper create-directory-tree --directories 1 --files 3 --seed 20230211 $ tree dir-0001 dir-0001 ├── file-0001.bin ├── file-0002.bin └── file-0003.bin 1 directory, 3 files

Xvc only sends and receives tracked files.

$ xvc file track dir-0001

You can define a storage bucket as storage and begin to use it.

$ xvc storage new digital-ocean --name backup --bucket-name xvc --region fra1 --storage-prefix xvc

Send files to this storage.

$ xvc file send dir-0001 --to backup

You can remove the files you sent from your cache and workspace.

$ xvc file remove --from-cache dir-0001/ [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/1bc/b82/80fcea6acf2362a4ec4ef8512fe2f791f412fed1635009293abedcad88/0.bin [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/1bc/b82/80fcea6acf2362a4ec4ef8512fe2f791f412fed1635009293abedcad88 [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/1bc/b82 [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/1bc [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/863/86d/62e50462e37699d86e9b436526cb3fe40c66e38030e4e25ae4e168193a/0.bin [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/863/86d/62e50462e37699d86e9b436526cb3fe40c66e38030e4e25ae4e168193a [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/863/86d [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/863 [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/f60/f11/901bf063f1448d095f336929929e153025a3ec238128a42ff6e5f080ef/0.bin [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/f60/f11/901bf063f1448d095f336929929e153025a3ec238128a42ff6e5f080ef [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/f60/f11 [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/f60 [DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3 $ rm -rf dir-0001/

Then get back them from the storage.

$ xvc file bring --from backup dir-0001 $ tree dir-0001 dir-0001 ├── file-0001.bin ├── file-0002.bin └── file-0003.bin 1 directory, 3 files

If you want to remove a file and all of its versions from a storage, you can use xvc file remove command.

$ xvc file remove --from-storage backup dir-0001/