xvc pipeline step list


List the steps and their commands in a pipeline


$ xvc pipeline step list --help
List steps in a pipeline

Usage: xvc pipeline step list [OPTIONS]

      --names-only                     Show only the names, otherwise print commands as well
  -p, --pipeline-name <PIPELINE_NAME>  Name of the pipeline this command applies to
  -h, --help                           Print help


This command works only in Xvc repositories.

$ git init
$ xvc init

You may want to list the steps of a pipeline and their commands.

$ xvc pipeline step new --step-name hello --command "echo hello"
$ xvc pipeline step new --step-name world --command "echo world" --when always
$ xvc pipeline step list
hello: echo hello (by_dependencies)
world: echo world (always)

It will list the commands and when they will run (always, never, by_dependencies) by default. If you only need the names of steps, you can use --names-only flag.

$ xvc pipeline step list --names-only