xvc file remove


$ xvc file remove --help
Remove files from Xvc cache and storages

Usage: xvc file remove [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]...

          Files/directories to remove

          Remove files from cache

      --from-storage <FROM_STORAGE>
          Remove files from storage

          Remove all versions of the file

      --only-version <ONLY_VERSION>
          Remove only the specified version of the file
          Versions are specified with the content hash 123-456-789abcd. Dashes are optional. Prefix must be unique. If the prefix is not unique, the command will fail.

          Remove file versions even if they are also pointed by other targets (via deduplication)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version


This command deletes files from the Xvc cache or storage. It doesn't remove the file from Xvc tracking.


If you want to remove a workspace file or link, you can use usual rm command. If the file is tracked and carried in to the cache, you can always recheck it.

This command only works if the file is tracked by Xvc.

$ git init

$ xvc init

$ xvc file track 'd*.txt'

$ xvc file list
FC        [..] c85f3e81 c85f3e81 data.txt

Total #: 1 Workspace Size:          19 Cached Size:          19

$ tree .xvc/b3/
└── c85
    └── f3e
        └── 8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496
            └── 0.txt

4 directories, 1 file

If you don't specify either --from-cache or --from-storage, this command does nothing.

$ xvc file remove data.txt
? failed
error: the following required arguments were not provided:
  --from-storage <FROM_STORAGE>

Usage: xvc file remove --from-cache --from-storage <FROM_STORAGE> <TARGETS>...

For more information, try '--help'.

You can remove the file from the cache. The file is still tracked by Xvc and available in the workspace.

$ xvc file remove --from-cache data.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85/f3e/8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496/0.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85/f3e/8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85/f3e
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3

$ ls

$ ls .xvc/

You can carry the missing file from the workspace to the cache. Use --force to overwrite the cache as carry-in doesn't overwrite the cache by default.

$ xvc file carry-in --force data.txt

$ xvc file list
FC         [..] c85f3e81 c85f3e81 data.txt

Total #: 1 Workspace Size:          19 Cached Size:          19

$ tree .xvc/b3/
└── c85
    └── f3e
        └── 8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496
            └── 0.txt

4 directories, 1 file

You can specify a version of a file to delete from the cache. The versions can be specified like 123-456-789abcd. Dashes are optional. The prefix must be unique.

$ perl -pi -e 's/a/e/g' data.txt

$ xvc file carry-in data.txt

$ tree .xvc/b3/
├── 660
│   └── 2cf
│       └── f6a4cbc23a78205463b7086d1b0831d3d74c063122f20c1c2ea0c2d367
│           └── 0.txt
└── c85
    └── f3e
        └── 8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496
            └── 0.txt

7 directories, 2 files

$ xvc file list
FC         [..] 6602cff6 6602cff6 data.txt

Total #: 1 Workspace Size:          19 Cached Size:          19

$ xvc file remove --from-cache --only-version c85-f3e data.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85/f3e/8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496/0.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85/f3e/8108a0d53da6b4869e5532a3b72301ed58d5824ed1394d52dbcabe9496
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85/f3e
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/c85

$ tree .xvc/b3/
└── 660
    └── 2cf
        └── f6a4cbc23a78205463b7086d1b0831d3d74c063122f20c1c2ea0c2d367
            └── 0.txt

4 directories, 1 file

You can also remove all versions of a file from the cache.

$ xvc-test-helper generate-random-file --seed 0 data.txt

$ xvc file carry-in data.txt

$ rm data.txt

$ xvc-test-helper generate-random-file --seed 1 data.txt

$ xvc file carry-in data.txt

$ tree .xvc/b3/
├── 017
│   └── ad8
│       └── 6d31011a7f6c8eabd808ba4f8cf3d3c0c65322ded3fffdfcb8d60279a0
│           └── 0.txt
├── 660
│   └── 2cf
│       └── f6a4cbc23a78205463b7086d1b0831d3d74c063122f20c1c2ea0c2d367
│           └── 0.txt
└── fef
    └── e16
        └── d9668f4c96ee7e719517f056aa23653fe9aaeddc9bfe81324fff534152
            └── 0.txt

10 directories, 3 files

$ xvc file remove --from-cache --all-versions data.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/017/ad8/6d31011a7f6c8eabd808ba4f8cf3d3c0c65322ded3fffdfcb8d60279a0/0.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/017/ad8/6d31011a7f6c8eabd808ba4f8cf3d3c0c65322ded3fffdfcb8d60279a0
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/017/ad8
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/017
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/660/2cf/f6a4cbc23a78205463b7086d1b0831d3d74c063122f20c1c2ea0c2d367/0.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/660/2cf/f6a4cbc23a78205463b7086d1b0831d3d74c063122f20c1c2ea0c2d367
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/660/2cf
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/660
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/fef/e16/d9668f4c96ee7e719517f056aa23653fe9aaeddc9bfe81324fff534152/0.txt
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/fef/e16/d9668f4c96ee7e719517f056aa23653fe9aaeddc9bfe81324fff534152
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/fef/e16
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3/fef
[DELETE] [CWD]/.xvc/b3

$ ls .xvc/

You can use this command to remove cached files from (remote) storages as well.

$ xvc-test-helper generate-random-file --seed 2 data.txt

$ xvc file carry-in data.txt

$ xvc storage new local --name local-storage --path '../local-storage'
$ xvc file send data.txt --to local-storage

$ tree ../local-storage/
└── [..]
    └── b3
        └── 218
            └── 2b7
                └── 7f5a61c7a82b34da4c754cce1fe6834fc3f07b3f7c7e0920d1add59881
                    └── 0.txt

6 directories, 1 file

$ xvc file remove data.txt --from-storage local-storage

$ tree ../local-storage/
└── [..]
    └── b3
        └── 218
            └── 2b7
                └── 7f5a61c7a82b34da4c754cce1fe6834fc3f07b3f7c7e0920d1add59881

6 directories, 0 files

Note that, storage delete implementations differ slightly not to remove the directories. This is to avoid unnecessary round trip existence checks.

If multiple paths are pointing to the same cache file (deduplication), the cache file will not be deleted. In this case, remove reports other paths pointing to the same cache file. You must --force delete the cache file.

$ xvc-test-helper generate-random-file --seed 3 data.txt

$ xvc file carry-in data.txt

$ xvc file copy data.txt data2.txt --as symlink
$ xvc file list
SS        [..] [..] 4a2e9d7c          data2.txt
FC        1024 [..] 4a2e9d7c 4a2e9d7c data.txt

Total #: 2 Workspace Size:        [..] Cached Size:        1024

$ xvc file remove --from-cache data.txt
Not deleting b3/4a2/e9d/7c40d2cf892c41351a2465b54b85f62a0052e25a63950c8ab4ac48b2ee/0.txt (for data.txt) because it's also used by data2.txt

$ tree .xvc/b3/
├── 218
│   └── 2b7
│       └── 7f5a61c7a82b34da4c754cce1fe6834fc3f07b3f7c7e0920d1add59881
│           └── 0.txt
└── 4a2
    └── e9d
        └── 7c40d2cf892c41351a2465b54b85f62a0052e25a63950c8ab4ac48b2ee
            └── 0.txt

7 directories, 2 files